Podigee Changelog - Podigee

Massive update for statistics data analysis - Podigee

Written by admin | 2016-07-12

We updated the analysis of download tracking data. Before the improvement you saw three different numbers for downloads on you statistics pages. The most mysterious number here was "Unfinished downloads" which was composed of actual unfinished downloads (due to bad connections for example), but also streaming downloads where a podcast listening app only loads the part of the audio file it is supposed to play in the next minutes.

With the update a lot of that mystique is now gone and we're really happy to provide you with much more accurate numbers from now on. The most significant change is that we are now able to detect streaming downloads and show you a reliable figure you can work with.

But there are a few additional changes waiting for you:

1. A new graph display for showing downloads over time that shows much better the development of download numbers

2. Information about where downloads originate from

Of course we will continue tweaking our analytics code constantly and are also working on more advanced possibilities to make even more of your statistics data.